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DigixDAO Järg 972
DigixDAO Järg 972
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73,874 DGD


DigixDAO Hind

DigixDAO 24h Vol

DigixDAO Turuosa ülempiirid

24h turumaht
1 H
0 %
24 H
-0.03 %
7 d
-0.73 %
Täna DigixDAO USA dollarites on praegu hind 60.96 USD, ja kui see on muudetud Bitcoin on 0.00200488 BTC. Kogusumma 73,874 DGD praegu ringlusse turul. DigixDAO hinnad muutuvad praegu -0.03 %, Kontrollima kogu krüptokursus. Viimase 24 tunni jooksul 0.000 M US dollars DigixDAO on kaubeldatud Krüptovahetused. Hangi DigixDAO's edusamme, lisades selle oma lemmikud tasuta portfelli.
BTC Hind
0.00200488 BTC
BTC Turg
148 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
Kokku hangitud münte
73,874 DGD
0 %
-0.03 %
-0.73 %
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Digix DAO is a new form of cryptographic asset in that it is a Decentralised Autonomous Organisation or DAO for short. DAO are basically Companies written in code that are there to perform a set of functions with holders of the tokens voting in relation to the number of tokens they hold. 

The Digix DAO gives users the right to profits in the trading of Digix tokens (DGX) which own the right to gold stored in vault in Singapore. So if people trade 20 gold bars per day - the Digix DAO token holders will have the profits of the commission from those trades distributed equally amongst themselves. 

Täisnimi Digix DAO (DGD)
Algus N/A
Algoritm N/A
Tõenditüüp N/A
Veebisait https://www.dgx.io/
Twitter @DigixGlobal
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Kasti auhind N/A
Kokku hangitud münte 73,874 DGD
Eelmised kõik hangitud mündid N/A
Net Hashes sekundis N/A


The DAO token is built on ethereum. 

The ICO - or initial coin offering - raised $5.5million to acquire the 85% of the DGD tokens. 



Digix DAO is a "Decentralised Autonomous Organisation" - DAO's are a nascent idea and are therefore not a fully proven concept. The Digix DAO tokens give holders the rights to vote on how funds earned by the DAO are spent and act like shares in a traditional Company. 

The DGD tokens give users the right to earn profits from the trading of DGX tokens - which are tokens backed 1:1 with a gram of gold. The DAO or DGD tokens earn a commission fee based on the number of trades of the DGX tokens. holders of the tokens can vote for 

There are costss for the DAO so headline commission is not equal to profit. The cost come in the form of storing the gold and auditing its veracity. This is where the role of voting rights come in as holders of the tokens can vote who they want to audit the gold. 

If the DAO runs out of funds the founders can propose to raise more tokens in an offering which requires a special majority of voters to agree to. 

The initial offering raised $5.5million for 85% of the tokens. The other 15% were rewards for developers and founders - a premine of sorts.  

ICO üksikasjad

ICO üksikasjad

Digix, a gold-tracking asset on the Ethereum blockchain, which structured the company as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization raised its funding cap of $5,500,000 in under 12 hours. Digix is building a platform for trading gold-backed tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. The company is based in Singapore, and will store physical gold for each token issued on Ethereum. There are fees charged for storage at 0.39% per annum, similar to Gold ETFs. However, the big advantage of Digix tokens over gold ETFs will be its global nature and ability to divide the shares in order to facilitate micro-transactions.

465,134.95 ETH ($5,500,000) was raised from 675 addresses which puts the average investment size at $8,148. The total was reached in 12 hours.

ICO staatus Finished
Tokenite varu 2000000
Algus 2016-03-30
Lõpp 2016-03-30
Varu tõstetud (BTC) 465,134.95 ETH
Varu tõstetud (USD) 5500000
Alghind (USD) 3.24
Turvalisuse audiitorfirma N/A
ICO õiguslik vorm N/A
ICO jurisdiktsioon Singapore
Õigusnõustajad N/A
Blogi N/A
Valge leht https://dgx.io/whitepaper.pdf
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